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Daily Health Renewal, Day 4-5

Cleansing The Temple, Day 4-5

Renewal Health Plan

DAY 4-5  

Eliminate Dairy Products (Milk, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Ice Cream, Dairy Dressings - Ranch, creamy types, Blue Cheese). Alternatives: Egg Substitutes, Soy Milk and other Plant Based Milk, Butter and Cheese Substitutes, Olive Oil

More Fast Options:

Besides the RENEWAL HEALTH PLAN FOR MEAT EATERS, there are other fast options to choose from: You will want to consider any needs you have based on medications and personal preferences. 

Option 1 - The Daniel Fast (Google it)

Option Custom - You designate the foods/activities you abstain from

You select the length of your fast. It may be as little as 6 hours or as much as 24 hours. 

Results: Healthier lifestyle choices help each of us to be more constructive, impactful workers for God as we move away from negative habits, i.e., overeating, impulsive eating, addictions, lack of exercise.  Our bodies will feel better, we will look better and our attitudes will be more pleasant. 

The option you choose should serve as a catalyst for living a more divine life and becoming an instrument for God. Pray and ask God to help you stick to your desire/decision to Fast. Whenever you are tempted - and you will be tempted - lift a prayer to God and walk on in Faith!

How's the Prayer and Health/Spiritual Renewal going for you?

Which renewal path are you on? What are your renewal goals?

Use the form below to share with us how it's going for you. We would like to join you in praying for God's power to help you achieve his desires for you, both physically and spiritually.

21 Days of Prayer

21 Days of Prayer

The storms of this life often threatens to overflow and overwhelm us; but in God's Word we find reasons to keep swimming; keep striving; keep pressing and holding on. In this series we explore 21 reasons why we can have hope, even in a world, or personal experience, that feels hopeless. 

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